Launches “Wear Developer Pack”

Written By has made a firm statement this week that they want to be ahead of the curve with wearables. They have officially launched their Wear Developer Pack which allows developers to connect wearables to the Salesforce1 platform.


ZDNet reported yesterday that Daniel Denbow, Salesforce’s Senior VP of Emerging Technologies, described wearables as “the next mobile revolution,” and that this move is their “initiative to evangelize and encourage, and help jumpstart building business applications for wearable devices.” The developer pack offers open-source starter apps to allow developers to quickly begin creating applications for wearables. The goal was to help ease the problem wearables developers currently face of having to start all applications from scratch.


Salesforce has created six full apps to help kickstart the movement, specifically apps for the following devices:

  • Google Glass: a service app that allows developers to build on the Glass Development Kit.
  • Android Wear: an app where sales managers can view, accept, or reject quotes via notifications on their Android Wear powered smartwatch.
  • Pebble Smartwatch: an app allowing users to view report summary metrics directly on their smartwatch.
  • Samsung Gear 2: an app that allows users to access their Salesforce calendar directly on the smartwatch.
  • Myo: a gesture control app that allows surgeons to handle images and patient files, and form transactions that fall into Salesforce.
  • Nymi (Bionym): the app allows connection of Salesforce and Exact Target with the Bionym wearable.


Denbow also mentions that though Salesforce recognizes that the wearables market is still in its earliest and most undefined stage, the adoption rates were what drove the team to jump into the space this early on. Per ZDNet, Denbow states,

What we see happening is an acceleration of technology adoption. We compare the growth rates of wearables to smartphones and what we saw is this is growing five times faster on a yearly basis than smartphones ever did. What that says to us is that…the time to help our customers to get ready is now…We don’t want to be like other vendors and wait, we want to be preparing our customers as they get to the future. We want to greet them with answers, and the best way is to engage our developer community, which is what we’re doing.”


For more information check out the Wear page.

You can check out the ZDNet article here.

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