Narrative Clip: the Clip-On Camera
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The Narrative Clip claims to be “a new kind of photographic memory.” The clip-on device that can be worn anywhere on the body (though primarily seems to be shown worn on a shirt), takes a picture every 30 seconds sing its five megapixel camera. Users can also double tap the device to take a picture at a moment outside of the prescheduled 30-second shots. The device stores the photos on its 8GB of memory, roughly 4,000 pictures or 2,000 minutes, enough to cover a full twenty-four hours. The images are visible and shareable on the Clip’s accompanying app. The device retails at a price of $279, and is available in three different colors, white, orange, and gray.
Though ever-observant devices have had their fair share of backlash due to privacy concerns, see Glasshole. Some believe the Narrative Clip to be much less invasive than say Google Glass. The device can be worn anywhere on the body for one, though for optimal point-of-view photos we assume you would want to wear the device in a forward-facing angle on your shirt, making it less intrusive than wearing a camera on your face. Though other authors have already raised issues at the social stigma with such candid photo-taking. Narrative designers are aiming to capture the serendipitous moments that we often do not capture. As seen by the amount of selfies being shared, there is an argument that the candid photo market is massively undeserved. Narrative has claimed this process as Lifelogging. And no doubt that some of the moments it can capture are beautiful…

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Tags: Camera for Sports, Featured Items, Wearable Cameras