`Experts at McLaren are developing a wearable jet lag remedy

Written By Wearables.com

Ever feel like if it weren’t for jet lag you would have several more days of feeling like a productive human being on vacation? Formula 1 team McLaren does too, which is why they have announced plans to create a new wearable device designed to combat that feeling of staleness generally associated with a long flight.

What distinguishes McLaren’s future jet lag remedy from countless health gadgets on the market is its intelligence; rather than merely track and record vitals, the technology actually documents what you were doing to cause your body to behave the way that it did. “[T]he next time the algorithms start to see a similar pattern, the app will recognize that the last time you did this, your body reacted in a certain way. It will then make a predictive leap to say that if you continue on that path, this is how you’ll feel,” says Duncan Bradley, head of High-Performance Design at McLaren’s Applied Technologies team (MAT).


The idea here is that the app will begin to learn what makes you feel a certain way and then prompt you to adjust your behavior based on this information. “We’ll then tell you the interventions you can make and what the likely results would be of those changes, so you can be proactive and take control,” says Bradley.

Although MAT’s language is ambiguous and details are scarce (“You’ll be offered information about interventions, even if they’re counter-intuitive,” seems vague at best), it is certainly nice to think we may have devices in the future capable of generating idiosyncratic algorithms dedicated to making us feel the best we can, especially when these devices are the brainchild of the traveling experts at F1. McLaren has not set a release date, but let us hope this technology becomes a reality sooner rather than later.

The post `Experts at McLaren are developing a wearable jet lag remedy appeared first on Wearables.com.

Tags: activity tracker, Activity Trackers, Featured Items, Health Wearables, Medical


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